While most of us educated, liberal and well-informed members of society want to believe that there's a method to everything in life, and spend thousands of millions of dollars on scientific research to assert our supremacy in the universe, there is one element of our existence that has challenged every genius, and continues to remain unpredictable - death.
It is this uncertainty to death that is hard to come to terms with. We all live in denial - no one talks about it. We either pretend that we will never die, or that death is a distant reality we choose not to think about. It is taboo to talk about the death of a living person, and it is ingrained (irrespective of culture and continent) that you shall not speak of death. However, the biggest irony of death is that it's the best kept secret in the world that everyone already knows.
What is it that we find most disturbing about death? Have you ever asked a grieving person that? You probably think I am out of my mind to even suggest it. It's just 'inappropriate'. And as much as I hate to admit it, you're probably right. For as long as civilization goes, we have refused to speak of death because we are afraid. Like the child that pretends to fall ill to escape an exam he hasn't prepared for, we are not prepared to face death.
Through this article, I'm only trying to learn for myself, if death would be any easier to cope with if we spoke more about it; if we discussed it more casually than making it out to be this masked monster in-wating. Death is a reality that no one can escape. You could be the most powerful or the most dreaded man in the world, but neither sophisticated weapons nor armors will help you beat death.
In a world that is torn apart by ideological and economic differences, if death is the only uniting factor, should we be taking pride in considering ourselves civilized? My dear friends, death is the second most natural phenomenon after life. When we don't question the birth of a young one, let us attempt to be stronger in the face of death. When we lose a loved one, let's try not lose faith in our own existence; at least until the time when some great mind solves the mystery surrounding it.